ISS Cyber Risk Score for Enterprise allows organizations to quickly build a scalable and proactive vendor management program customized to their own risk appetite
The ISS Cyber Risk Score provides an empirical derived, forward looking indicator of cyber security risk that allows organizations to better understand the security posture of their third parties.
Advanced supervised machine learning based analytics, distill raw cyber intelligence into a concise actionable metric for vendor management.
The 3-digit Cyber Risk Score encapsulates the future likelihood of a material breach event.
Scores range from 300 – 850 (higher = less risk)
The ISS Cyber Risk Score allows risk professionals to quickly assess cyber risk across their supply chain & make informed decisions based on a single, credible, and relevant score.
Provides, clear, concise actionable insight that enables policy related remediation discussions.
Facilitates continuous monitoring of high-risk vendors with a predictive indicator of cyber risk.
How is Cyber Risk Quantification Different from Cyber Security Ratings?
Scores from first Generation Security Ratings providers are reactive in nature and typically only trigger change after a breach has been publicly announced. This is too little, too late for risk professionals trying to make informed decisions upfront based upon the cyber risks they face across their supply chain.
Research suggests approximately 60 percent of data breaches are directly linked to third party vulnerabilities found within your supply chain. A cyber breach can cost an organization untold damage – financial, reputational, and professional. That is why companies should do more to anticipate and prepare for a cyber attack by using predictive, cyber risk quantification metrics. The ISS Cyber Risk Score provides forward looking insight into the cyber threat postures of all organizations globally and allows subscribers to incorporate those metrics into risk management programs.
Measuring Risk Predictively vs Reactive Security Ratings
ISS Cyber Risk Score – Distribution and outcome odds (v4.0)
Superior, proven model performance delivers 31x dynamic range.
Organizations with a score of 300 are 31x more likely to suffer a major event than organizations that score 850.
Learn how ISS-Corporate works with companies to understand their risk profiles and those within their supply chain.